In One Of Her Final Interviews, Anne Heche Named The Stars She Wanted To Play Her In A Biopic!

As the world continues to mourn Anne Heche’s untimely death, we can look to one of her final interviews for insight to what might lie ahead in her legacy.

The 53-year-old film star sat down for a chat on the Behind the Velvet Rope podcast with David Yontef prior to her death. In the interview, which just got released Monday, the actress opened up about the prospect of having a biopic film depict her life, which she wrote about in the memoir Call Me Crazy.

Innerestingly, she named her top picks to play the title role! Drumroll pleaaaaaseeeee: 

Miley Cyrus or Kristen Bell. I’ve already thought about it.”

Huh! Can you see it?? She added:

“The two of them share a personality ability to face the world in a way that… I feel like I have, and I would want portrayed.”

Talent knows talent, that’s for sure! The Six Days Seven Nights star continued to call Miley “a great f**king actress,” particularly celebrating her work on the Disney Channel show Hannah Montana. She explained: 

“I’ve seen her Hannah Montana. To be able to do that, to be able to express that, to be able to be as bold as she’s been — going from Disney into, you know, ‘Wrecking Ball,’ the way she moves, the way she sings, her voice, her compassion — she f**king loves everyone. Her ability to get out on stage and sing a cappella! That would be the way that I would see a pure artist engaging with the world.”

Looks AND personality-wise, the similarities are astounding! Just LOOK at Miley (below):

High praise for the 29-year-old! We could definitely see her bringing that firecracker energy to really do justice to the role. Anne also noted a feeling of relation with the young star as she herself began working at a young age performing theatre in New Jersey.

As for her other pick, she and KBell were actually co-stars. The late icon recalled a past role in the 2004 Lifetime movie Gracie’s Choice, where she acted as Kristen’s mother. She revealed: 

“Kristen Bell gave me my second Emmy nomination. Kristen, again, felt like a reflection to me… Her ability to tell story, do it through joy, do it with her personality, charm, gorgeous timing, and humor — I see myself a lot in her. I don’t think it’s any mistake that I played her mom, and now I want her to play me.”

Take a look at Kristen (below):

She added that she could then play the role of her own mother to Miley or Kristen’s Anne in the theorized biopic, exclaiming: 

“Ooh, bitch! That would get some ratings.”

Sadly we’ll never get to see her pull a Honey Boy and play her own mom.

Ugh, we already miss her charm! What do YOU think about Anne’s casting choices for a potential biopic? Who would you choose between the two? Let us know in the comments (below)!

[Images via Anne Heche/Instagram, Miley Cyrus & TheEllenShow/YouTube]

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