Emily Ratajkowski Shares Sex Complaints After Split From Husband

Emily Ratajkowski may not have officially confirmed her divorce, but she certainly is giving newly single, take-no-s**t momma on social media!

Over the weekend she fired a pretty overt shot across the bow of her ex Sebastian Bear-McClard. She posted a hilariously shady TikTok calling out when a guy “thinks he’s a 10” but really you just like ugly men. Oof! Hard not to take that as a direct attack towards the producer, who reportedly cheated on her over and over throughout the relationship.

Related: Sebastian Said To Be ‘Begging For Another Chance’

Well, she went from obliquely insulting the man’s looks to potentially shading his bedroom technique. On Tuesday, Emrata posted a complaint that’s much more general about how women are treated by men during sex — but considering she was with one guy for over four years, it’s hard not to take that personally.

Once again taking to TikTok, the supermodel posted a reaction to a video in which Belgian psychotherapist Esther Perel talked “The Secret of Female Sexuality,” saying during a Talk at Google

“If she can think about herself, then she can be into it.”

Emily clearly felt this, as she broke in immediately to lament:

“This is so true, and it’s because women have internalized the male gaze so much that when we’re having sex, we’re thinking about how hot or not we are.”

The idea that this poor woman — one of the biggest sex symbols of the last decade — was stuck wondering whether her husband found her “hot or not” while they were in bed together… Ugh, how awful!

You’d hope that with the person you’re going to spend the rest of your life with, the sex could transcend that kind of internalized insecurity after a while. Seems like maybe not for Emrata? She concluded by musing:

“It’s kind of crazy that, like, women are so used to seeing women sexualized and sexualizing themselves that we’re thinking of being sexualized during sex for lack of a better way of putting it.”


♬ original sound – Emrata

If we’re being honest, we kind of assumed Seb must be amazing at sex — considering he was with Emily Ratajkowski. We mean… she was the more rich, famous, and successful of the two, she put up with years of cheating rumors, not to mention racism scandals… We figured the vitamin D must have been off the charts!

But it sounds like gurl is still looking for that connection that makes her feel like more than an object. Hey, you know what? She’s single now, and that’s the first step, right??

[Image via Emily Ratajkowski/TikTok/Instagram.]

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