X Factor UK Sets Record Straight With Video After Liam Payne Claimed One Direction Was Built Around Him!

Just in case Liam Payne had any question about who One Direction was formed around and how the whole thing happened, X Factor UK is making things very, very clear!

In fact, a newly-released YouTube video published over the weekend that pretty much laid bare all of Liam’s claims about the formation of the boy band!

Related: Liam Payne Back Together With THIS Ex After Split From Maya Henry!

As Perezcious readers will recall, the former 1D member went on Logan Paul‘s podcast early last month to talk about his boy band history and how (he thought) the whole thing came together. At the time, Liam explained that he had previously auditioned for Simon Cowell when he was just 14 years old, back in 2008. Cowell told him he wasn’t ready at the time, and to go back to school for a little while. When Liam came back two years later, Simon apparently realized it had all come together.

Liam recalled on the Impaulsive podcast:

“From what I’ve heard, part of the reason One Direction was made was because of Simon’s promise to me that, ‘In two years, I’ll make this work for you.’ So he started with my face, and then worked around the rest. … I was the honorary member of One Direction. He told me that story himself at his house.”

Those comments went viral immediately after they aired, and Liam got roasted online. Even Lizzo weighed in, calling Payne a “poor boy” who was “lied to” about being 1D’s frontman! (Um, hello Harry Styles?!?!)

Well, this past weekend, X Factor UK decided to step in. The show shared four minutes of never-before seen footage of the band being formed over on YouTube on Saturday in honor of the 12-year anniversary of the group’s inception.

In the clip, the judges — Cowell, Nicole Scherzinger, and Louis Walsh — can be seen sifting through headshots before Nicole pushes a pic of Niall Horan to the top of the table. Styles’ photo comes up next, with Nicole adding a quick comment:

“Oh, yes.”

Louis Tomlinson‘s pic then pops up and is chosen, with Walsh sizing up the trio this time:

“They look good together.”

Seems simple! One, two, three, and they’re rolling!

Nicole starts to get really excited about the group’s potential, too:

“The little girls are going to love them. They’re just too talented to get rid of. And they’ve got just the right look and the right charisma on stage. They’re, like, little stars. You can’t get rid of little stars, so you put them all together.”

At that point, the three judges have a bit of a disagreement as Payne’s photo comes up. (Fourth!!!)

Cowell motions to Liam’s photo as well as a separate pile of options, and says:

“He [Liam] was the standout audition. You don’t think he should be over there?”

Scherzinger replies optimistically about Payne:

“If he’s the standout, then he could be the leader [of the other three]. I think he would definitely shine.”

Cowell isn’t quite convinced, and he warns his fellow judges:

“He [Liam] thinks he’s better than anyone else in that list.”

Walsh agrees with that assessment, adding on to Cowell’s warning:

“No, he does, Simon. He has the confidence. But he’s good, he’s consistent.”

The judges place Payne’s photo with the other three, and Simon admits:

“That looks good.”

Walsh then suggests they add Zayn Malik to the group.

Simon says:

“Now that is a good idea.”

Well then!

So that’s exactly how it all came together, isn’t it?!

Related: Liam’s Ex Maya Henry Wants Bryce Hall To Beat The S**t Out Of Her Former Fiancé!

You can watch the full interaction (below):

So much for the whole band being built around Liam, right?? He was picked fourth for the group! Video doesn’t lie!!

What do U make of this newly-unearthed old footage, Perezcious readers??

Sound OFF with your take down in the comments (below)…

[Image via X Factor UK/YouTube/YouTube]

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