Woman Imprisoned By Ex-Boyfriend Freed After Throwing Secret Notes Out Window

A kidnapped woman (not pictured) was successfully rescued Monday after being abused for nearly a week — thanks to some luck and ingenuity.

According to reports, a man known only as MFR kidnapped the young woman in Spain on July 19. Sources close to the investigation say the woman had previously been in a relationship with the man; she went over to her ex-boyfriend’s home to get back some money he owed her. It’s at this point, according to police, that he didn’t let her leave.

The young woman remained trapped in his central townhouse for the next six days where she was allegedly “repeatedly raped” and abused by her ex. After several days without contact, the victim’s family finally reported her missing, but the imprisoned woman had already taken matters into her own hands by then!

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As reported by the City Council of O Porriño, neighbors of the suspect found notes outside the townhouse’s window. These handwritten notes had been thrown outside by the hostage and contained valuable information to her whereabouts and the perpetrator — including the exact address.

Quick thinking that potentially saved her life!

One note in particular warned the man was “aggressive” and might harm her if he saw the police coming. The council reported the police “rang the doorbell” in an attempt to get the alleged abuser to answer the door. When that failed they didn’t hesitate — they busted in!

“Given these facts, the agents chose to ring the bell without receiving a response, but the woman had already warned that if the alleged aggressor became aware of the police presence, he would kill her. Given this possible commission of a flagrant crime, they chose to throw the door by force.”

It was good timing. When law enforcement entered the home, they found the 26-year-old suspect asleep on the bed. Immediately, so the man wouldn’t have time to react, officers jumped in and arrested him. The victim was finally free thanks to her own wits!

After being freed, she was transported to Álvaro Cunqueiro Hospital in Vigo. She suffered bruises she says were caused by the man sexually assaulting her. She’s been checked out by a forensic doctor and is recovering.

MFR, however, was arrested and charged with crimes of sexual assault and sexual injury. Punishments in Spain for these kinds of acts range from 15 to 20 years in prison. It’s not his first offense either! Reportedly, another victim accused the man of kidnapping and sexually assaulting her last month. She was able to escape and file her own complaint with the authorities soon thereafter, but nothing came of it.

They… they had a complaint that he had done this, and nothing?! Good thing the victim had herself to rely on.

What an incredible way to raise alarm to the situation, this woman has some amazing survival skills! We wish her healing and hope she gets the justice she deserves.

[Image via HBO Max.]

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