Woman Accused Of Stabbing Pregnant Mother 100 Times & Stealing Unborn Baby — To Keep Her Boyfriend From Dumping Her!

[Warning: Potentially Triggering Content]

A woman stands trial this week for one of the most horrific crimes we’ve ever read about. She’s accused of murdering an expectant mother and stealing the unborn baby from her womb — killing it in the process.

Based on what’s come out in just the first day of her trial on Monday, Taylor Rene Parker of Simms, Texas may have done these horrible things just to keep from telling her boyfriend the truth.

In early October of 2020, per opening statements via the Texarkana Gazette, Parker was feeling some pressure from her previous lies. She had told her boyfriend she was expecting a baby to keep him from breaking up with her some months before. But as her fabricated due date got closer, she didn’t know where to go with her lies next. According to Assistant District Attorney Kelley Crisp, the 27-year-old had gone to some serious lengths to make people believe her story:

“[Parker is] an actress of the highest order.”

Crisp argued Taylor had lied for nearly 10 months. She put on a fake stomach to appear to be pregnant, faked ultrasounds, posted updates on her social media accounts, named the child, and even planned an entire gender reveal party — all for a baby which didn’t even exist! It sounds like something straight from a dark comedy movie, but unfortunately this ended in a very real tragedy…

On October 9 of 2020, Reagan Michelle Simmons-Hancock was in her home with her 3-year-old daughter as she prepared for the arrival of her second child, Braxlynn Sage, the next month. The expectant mother was seven-and-a-half months into her pregnancy when the defendant entered her life.

According to an affidavit, Parker had told her boyfriend she was going to pre-register for induced labor. She admitted she had planned to call in a “bomb threat” to the hospital in the future to “further delay” the arrival of her fake baby.

Instead she chose to do the unthinkable. She allegedly entered Reagan’s home and had a “physical altercation” with her. The fight ended with the pregnant woman being “stabbed and cut” more than 100 times and having her skull “crushed” with a hammer. Reagan died from the horrific injuries. She was only 21 years old.

Just sickening… But sadly the horrors don’t stop there…

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Taylor allegedly “forcibly removed” the unborn child from Reagan’s womb with a scalpel; this was all about getting the baby. Crisp says the 27-year-old fled the scene with the newborn and left Reagan’s 3-year-old daughter to hide in the bedroom as her mother lay dead on the floor. When the victim’s husband couldn’t reach her by phone, he began to worry and sent his mother-in-law to check on her. Jessie Brooks found her daughter — in a state no one should ever seen anyone, much less their child. Per Crisp:

“[Reagan’s husband] said he had a bad feeling and asked her to check on Reagan. [Jessie] walks in the garage, walks in the side door, and finds her daughter like that … When Reagan was rolled over, she was cut from hip to hip, and the baby had been pulled out.”

Just gut-wrenching. That poor woman…

Law enforcement arrived to the home around 10:20 a.m. but unfortunately it was too late to save Reagan. Police recall the home “looking like a slaughter house” after the crime. Meanwhile, the suspect was still on the run. According to the A.D.A., the lies only continued.

After the alleged attack, Parker was pulled over by a Texas State Trooper in De Kalb because she was speeding. She was found “performing CPR” on the infant, saying she had just given birth on the side of the road and the baby “wasn’t breathing”. Shockingly, Taylor had apparently “stuffed Reagan’s placenta down her pants to make it look like she had given birth.”


The officer rushed her to McCurtain Memorial Hospital in Idabel, Oklahoma. There, she refused to let medical practitioners examine her — which, naturally, made them immediately suspicious. Parker was eventually connected to the crime when they realized she didn’t give birth to the child. Heartbreakingly, the baby died at the hospital…

Crisp laid it all out in her opening statement, saying the 27-year-old’s lies were so piled up she “passed the point of no return”:

“The lies and fraud go on and on; the layers of fraud are staggering. You are going to have to understand the fraud to understand what happened on Oct. 9. This started months and months ahead of time until it passed the point of no return, and it ended up in homicide.”

Lies were the focus of the first day of the trial.

Friends and former coworkers claimed this wasn’t her first time lying about shocking things — according to their testimonies she’s lied about being pregnant, being eaten “up with cancer”, and — apparently — not having undergone a hysterectomy. Meaning she couldn’t have gotten pregnant for real??

That’s according to Taylor’s ex-husband Hunter Parker. He even said at some point she lied about hiring a surrogate for the couple, a lie which led to their divorce. He testified he thought it was strange his ex-wife was saying she was pregnant with her new boyfriend, as he knew she was unable to have any more children — but he never believed she would do anything this drastic.

But as Crisp pointed out, this wasn’t about children for Taylor. She didn’t want more children, the ADA argued:

“Taylor Parker didn’t want any more children. She killed Reagan and ripped her baby out to keep her boyfriend.”

Taylor is currently being held at Bowie County Jail, and her bond is a staggering $5 million. She has pleaded not guilty to one count of capital murder and one count of non-capital murder.

What’s her defense for this heinous crime? One of her lawyers, Jeff Harrelson, urged jurors to consider all of the angles and facts of the case during Monday’s opening statements, saying:

“It’s a complicated case, factually and emotionally. The law is the lens and filter you must view these facts through. Sometimes it’s not black and white but a shade of gray.”

The trial is expected to last a month. If convicted of the crimes, Taylor faces the death penalty.

Such a revolting situation. Our hearts go out to Reagan’s family and loved ones. May she and Braxlynn rest in peace.

[Image via Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation/KTALNews/YouTube]

The post Woman Accused Of Stabbing Pregnant Mother 100 Times & Stealing Unborn Baby — To Keep Her Boyfriend From Dumping Her! appeared first on Perez Hilton.