What About Pete?? Emily Ratajkowski Seen On ANOTHER Date With DJ Orazio Rispo!

B-b-b-but what about Pete Davidson?!

Looks like he and Emily Ratajkowski may not become that serious after all, because the model stepped out with DJ Orazio Rispo again this week! As EmRata fans may recall, he was one of the men linked to the 31-year-old actress back in October, not long after she fully and officially parted ways with ex-husband Sebastian Bear-McClard. So it’s not super surprising to see his name pop up once more.

But then again, it kind of is! If only because earlier on Tuesday, we reported brand new deets from insiders on her increasingly “serious” relationship with the Meet Cute star! So is her thing with P.Davs not so bloomin’ after all?! Does she prefer keeping things with the Saturday Night Live alum back to more of an open, casual fling??

Related: Here’s How Kim Kardashian REALLY Feels About Ex Pete Getting With EmRata!

As far as the details go, this new sighting alongside Orazio is pretty simple. Emily and the DJ stepped out in NYC late at night and got spotted by paparazzi. The duo got on to Orazio’s motorcycle during the outing, too — and yes, Miz Rata wore a white helmet. Safety first!

She also wore the same brown North Face-branded puffer jacket as she did when she stepped out recently to sit court side at a New York Knicks game with Pete. We knew something looked familiar in these new snaps!!

BTW, you can see the latest pics of EmRata and Rispo’s late-night NYC dating dalliance HERE.

Pete Davidson's Dating Streak Continues -- Spotted Out And About With Emily Ratajkowski!
We wonder whether Pete is giving EmRata a thumbs-up any more. Ha!! / (c) WENN/Emily Ratajkowski/Instagram

Like we said, seeing Sylvester Apollo Bear‘s momma step out with Orazio is an eye-opener simply because of what these latest insiders claimed about her and Pete! After she officially split from Bear-McClard, we kind of figured the Blurred Lines star would play the field a bit. And she did! (Ummm, hello thereBrad Pitt!)

But lately, all indications have pointed to a super-close connection between her and Davidson. Just hours before this late-night date-night sighting hit the internet, an insider told People that Ratajkowski and the funny dude are “getting a little more serious.”

As Perezcious readers will recall, that source said:

“They are going strong and getting a little more serious. … They have a love of the East coast in common and similar vibes personality-wise and style-wise. And it’s always the same thing with him: he really makes her laugh and keeps things fun.”

Soooooo maybe that insider has to cool their jets about their relationship status?! Or hey, maybe it’s still true, but “more serious” still ain’t exclusive!

Just saying!

What do U make of EmRata going back to this hunky DJ for more, Perezcious readers?? Is this going to throw a monkey wrench in her thing with Pete?! Or not??

Sound OFF with your take on everything here down in the comments (below)!

[Image via MEGA/WENN/Peacock/YouTube/Orazio Rispo/Instagram]

The post What About Pete?? Emily Ratajkowski Seen On ANOTHER Date With DJ Orazio Rispo! appeared first on Perez Hilton.