RHOBH’s Garcelle Beauvais Opens Up About CREEPY Bill Cosby Experience!!

Garcelle Beauvais knows just how important it is to trust your instincts!

The 55-year-old Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star appeared on Andy Cohen Live to promote her book Love Me as I Am, where she opened up about the encounters she had in the past with some big names in the entertainment business. One person that popped up? Bill Cosby. And trust us when we say her experience with the 84-year-old comedian at his home in the ’80s was very unpleasant. In fact, it completely creeped her out.

Speaking with Andy Cohen, Garcelle explained that she was first introduced to Bill when she was modeling in New York at the time and received word from her agency out of the blue that he wanted her phone number:

“At the time, he was everybody’s dad. He was bigger than life.”

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When the actress agreed, she soon received a call from Bill almost “20 minutes later,” with him saying to her:

“I’ve seen you around and I think you would be great for the show. I’m going to offer you a small part, but I also think education is really important.”

However, one part of the conversation that felt “really weird” for the former The Real host was when “someone that I didn’t really know” (AKA Bill) also commented that she needed “more education.” Soon afterward, she ended up landing a small part on the show in which she played the part of a nurse on a 1986 episode of The Cosby Show, according to her IMDB page. But ultimately, the experience turned out to be a “cautionary tale about really listening to your gut instincts” for Garcelle.

Following the guest appearance, she was invited to Bill’s home to talk about her career and education. When Garcelle came over, she claimed he immediately offers her a drink but something instantly felt off for her after taking the first sip:

“I get there and he asked me if I want to have a drink and I, I was a baby. I was like, ‘Sure.’ And he gave me Sambuca. And I remember that very well because I, I didn’t drink and I had never heard of Sambuca. And I remember taking a sip and not feeling great.”

She continued:

“And I don’t know, I just didn’t feel right. And something told me to get out of there. And I literally got up and I ran out of there and I got into a cab and I went to my apartment and I was freaked out. I remember calling my mom.”

When asked by Andy if Garcelle believed the drink was drugged, she stated:

“I absolutely think there was.”


As for why she decided to tell her story now? The reality television star admitted she was very “nervous” to talk about her interaction with Bill, who is currently being sued for sexual assault and served three years behind bars for rape before the conviction was overturned. She explained:

“I was nervous about writing about Bill Cosby. I didn’t want to reopen a can of worms, you know what I mean? I felt like when all of that was being revealed about how he treated women I didn’t have anything concrete to add to the story, and I didn’t feel like I should have done that. People would have thought maybe I was just jumping on the bandwagon to jump on the bandwagon, and I didn’t want to do that. And also my boys are little and I didn’t want to subject them to that kind of stuff. So I was nervous. But it was my story to tell.”


We’re just glad that Garcelle was able to get out of that nerve-racking situation. You can listen to her conversation with Andy (below):

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[Image via MEGA/WENN, W.Wade/WENN]

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