Post Malone Breaks His Silence Following Nasty Onstage Fall During St. Louis Show

Post Malone has spoken out following his onstage incident.

During a Saturday concert at the Enterprise Center in St. Louis, the Circles singer had a rather nasty fall due to a hole on stage. In fan video footage, you can see him at one side of the platform interacting with audience members before heading to the other side, but failed to notice the large cutout in the middle and took a tumble through it, coming crashing down HARD on his ribs.

Ouch… You can see him pushing himself out of the hole and rolling over, wincing in pain. See the full thing (below):

Immediately after his accident the show was paused so he could be examined by medical professionals. Not long after though, the performer returned to the stage, apologized to attendees, and soldiered on, singing FIVE more songs, according to E! News via an eyewitness.

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Now that’s dedication! The eyewitness told E! he “kept apologizing for ‘ruining’ the show, but people were so relieved he was okay.” The 27-year-old then took to Twitter the next day, Sunday, to speak on what happened and provide followers with an update. He explained during a video:

“Hey St. Louis. F**king love you guys so much. Thank you for the patience, thank you for putting up with my dumbass. There was a big, uh… So whenever we do the acoustic part of the show, the guitars on the guitar stand…it goes down, and there’s this big-ass hole, so I go around there and I turn the corner and bust my ass.”

He continued:

“Winded me pretty good, um, got me pretty good and we just got back from the hospital and everything’s good, everything’s good. They gave me some pain meds and everything so we can keep kicking ass on the tour. I just want to apologize to everyone in St. Louis and I want to say thank you guys so much for coming to the show and next time I’m around this way we’re going to do a two hour show for you so we can make up for the couple missed songs that we missed. Thank you guys for your support and thank you for your love and thanks for hanging around even though I got my ass kicked by myself. I love you guys so much, thank you and have a great night. Thank you St. Louis.”

So glad to hear he’s maintaining a light-hearted attitude about the incident. See the full video (below):

His manager, Dre London, also provided an update via Instagram Sunday, explaining:

“@postmalone didn’t break 3 ribs lastnite thank god. We did X-rays @ hospital after the show & they declared he had bruised his ribs!”

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Great to hear he’s doing Better Now and won’t be suffering any major long-term issues from the incident. See Dre’s full post (below):

What are YOUR reactions to the news, Perezcious readers? Would you have been able to finish the show? Let us know in the comments (below)!

[Images via Post Malone/Twitter & HHS/YouTube]

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