Pizza Delivery Man Saves 5 Children From Burning House — WATCH!

This is incredible!

A pizza delivery man is now being called a hero after he bravely ran into a burning home and saved five children! According to the Lafayette Police Department, Nicholas Bostic was driving down a street in Lafayette, Indiana just past midnight last Monday when he came across a house that was engulfed in flames! With no emergency personnel in sight, he decided to jump into action to make sure no one was inside.

The 25-year-old ran into the building, which looked to be totally engulfed in flames, yelling to see if anybody was there to respond. And even though he never heard a word, his gut reaction was to keep looking just in case — and thank goodness he did!!

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After walking through the home, which was filled with choking smoke, he made his way upstairs where he discovered four kids, ages 1 to 18, sound asleep. He woke them up and they all ran to safety. But once outside, the other kids realized a 6-year-old girl had not made it outside with the rest of them, so Nicholas ran back inside to find her. He had no clue where the little girl was, and with so much heat and smoke, it was hard to see anything.

Nevertheless, he made his way through the house and even looked under all the beds. Once upstairs and about to escape the frightening house, he finally heard the child crying downstairs. Determined not to “quit,” he smartly put his shirt around his mouth so he could continue his search despite the extreme conditions that “frightened him” and made it feel like he was roasting “in an oven.” The police report shared:

“Nicholas crawled on the ground, feeling in front of him with his hands, and used the child’s cries to help locate her in the darkness. Once he had her, he attempted to recall from memory where the back door was, but he couldn’t find it. However, Nicholas was able to find his way back to the stairs.”

Once upstairs, he decided their only option was to jump out of a window. The police report explained:

“He ran up the stairs carrying the child and broke open a window by punching it with his bare hand. He hurriedly began trying to exit the burning house, but, in his haste, the child’s leg became entangled in the pull cord to the blinds. Nicholas recognized that he was rushing and calmed himself down. He untangled the string and jumped from the window, ensuring he landed on the side where he was not holding the child. He picked himself up off the ground and carried the girl to safety.”

So quick-thinking and brave!!!

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Miraculously, because of the pizza man’s efforts, the young girl was “mostly uninjured.” Unfortunately, Nicholas was not so lucky. The hero suffered severe smoke inhalation and “gravely cut his right arm,” according to cops.

In a video captured by one of the EMTs who arrived at the scene after Nicholas, he can be seen rushing away from the fiery building with the child in his hands. Once with the medical professionals, he sat on the ground and asked for “oxygen.” The EMTs can also be seen using a tourniquet on his arm to stop some bleeding. He was flown to the hospital for treatment and is doing better, according to a GoFundMe page set up by his cousin.

Check out his heroic efforts (below)!

Absolutely amazing!!

The fact that he took it upon himself to go into that building without having any clue if someone was inside gives us so much faith in humanity. This story could have been totally different for those kids. We’re wishing Nicholas a speedy recovery!!

[Image via The Lafayette Police Department/Twitter & NBC News/YouTube]

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