Peter Weber Finally Unloads On Bachelor Host Chris Harrison — Who ‘Completely Destroyed’ Him Before His Proposal!

Former Bachelor Peter Weber is recounting what should have been one of the best days of his life — but ended up being brutal instead!

Of course, we’re talking about Pilot Pete’s run on Season 24 of the hit ABC reality show. That was back when Chris Harrison was still there. And as it turns out, it was the host who sent Pete down a really rough road on the day of his eventual engagement!

As Bachelor Nation fans know, Pete popped the question to Hannah Ann Sluss on the season finale. She said yes at the time, but the relationship only lasted a few months past that. Pete’s unfinished business with Hannah Brown got in the way, Sluss walked away from him, and that was that. But now we know things were rocky from before the proposal! And it was Harrison pulling those strings behind the scenes!!

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On Monday, Harrison released the latest episode of his podcast series The Most Dramatic Podcast Ever. Pete was his guest, and inevitably, the conversation came to the pilot’s proposal in Australia. Recalling how difficult that Down Under moment was for him, Pete explained:

“You wanna know the hardest part I went through [on the show]? Where I was ready to concede, like, I have nothing left to give, strength is gone? It was the finale day, when we’re out at that really beautiful setup for the engagement. We drove for, like, an hour in the middle of nowhere to get there.”

The host interjected that Weber was, in fact, “a mess” in the hours leading up to the final proposal. But then Peter dropped the dime on Chris — claiming he was the cause of the mess! Calling out Harrison for having “completely destroyed” his confidence before he ever saw Sluss, Pilot Pete recalled:

“I know it was good TV, they used it to open up the season, but … you told me that Hannah Ann doesn’t know if she even wants to show up. Doesn’t know if she wants to come!”


Yeah, uh, “good TV” is one way to put it. Sounds like Harrison was playing some serious mind games with his leading man! Now enough time has passed for Weber to “be so brutally honest” about it, as he admitted to Chris. That comment wrecked him!

Of course, the pilot went on to acknowledge that he probably shouldn’t have proposed to Hannah Ann at all:

“There was pressure. I shouldn’t have proposed to Hannah Ann. Like, I can honestly say that. I got all caught up in it, for sure.”

However, Chris’ needling played a major role, cutting off Pete at the knees before he could get down on one:

“But when you were saying that to me — in my mind, I’m battling so much here of, ‘is this the right thing to do? I feel so much pressure, I’m stressed out of my mind, I’m exhausted, you know, what am I supposed to do here?’ And then you told me that line about how she doesn’t even know if she wants to come now at this point, and that’s when I left. I think I almost passed out. You guys had to take me to one of the houses to just lay in the bed because it was so hot outside as well.”

Drama Down Under! Even though it’s been more than four years since this all went down, Pilot Pete needed one more thing before he could truly let it all go: an answer from Harrison. Specifically, Weber wanted to know on the podcast whether Hannah Ann really told Chris that she didn’t want to show up to the proposal spot, or if the dramatic moment was manufactured for the cameras. Chris replied:

“Number one, she did not tell me. I did not talk to her. A producer would never allow me to talk to her.”

Whoa!! Chris was manipulating Peter so much in the end that he totally made up Hannah Ann’s supposed hesitancy just as the Bachelor was ready to drop down on one knee?! That’s SO rough! Yeah, it was “good TV,” as Weber himself acknowledged. But DAMN! You can re-live Peter’s proposal from that season (below) to see if YOU see a man whose confidence has just been destroyed:

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[Image via Chris Harrison/Instagram/Hannah Ann Sluss/Instagram/Peter Weber/Instagram/YouTube]

The post Peter Weber Finally Unloads On <i>Bachelor</i> Host Chris Harrison — Who ‘Completely Destroyed’ Him Before His Proposal! appeared first on Perez Hilton.