Nick Cannon & Baby Momma Bre Tiesi Get DRAGGED Online After She Says She Can’t Afford A Night Nurse!

Bre Tiesi is getting absolutely crushed online right now!!

Of course, Tiesi shares two-month-old baby boy Legendary with TV host and prolific parent Nick Cannon. But apparently things aren’t going so well over in Bre’s world?!

Related: Bre Defends Having Nick Cannon’s Eighth Baby, Says It’s ‘Not A Cult’!

This all started over the weekend when Bre posted a video to her Instagram Stories detailing how Legendary had not been sleeping very much recently. Cannon’s eighth child is teething early, as Tiesi explained in the video, and has been “screaming his little head off” recently. That issue has compounded for a while, and it’s prevented Bre from sleeping. In fact, she told her followers that she hasn’t slept in “like three days.”


The reveal took a turn for the worse, though, when one follower responded to Bre by asking if she should hire a night nurse. The Selling Sunset star scoffed at that suggestion, replying:

“Lol ya sure u wanna pay for it?”

Wait, what? She can’t afford it? The user replied “Tell Nick” with a dollar sign emoji face, to which Bre — clearly annoyed — replied:

“Ya ok I don’t need your unsolicited advice thanks … U have some f**kin nerve”

Uh… WOW! That escalated quickly!

In a second IG Stories slide referencing the first, Tiesi added:

“KEEP MY PARENTING MY KID AND MY BABY DADDYS NAME OUT UR MOUTH. Nick is NOT my sugar daddy Nick is MY F**KIN CHILDS FATHER THAT IS ALL. Watch your f**kin mouth when you speak on mine.”


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Look, we’re the first to applaud the clapbacks when trolls get onto social media to mommy shame. But this seemed like a pretty reasonable response to her post complaining about a problem. Right?

Ch-ch-check out screenshots of both exchanges (below):

Nick Cannon's Baby Momma Bre Tiesi Gets DRAGGED Online After Asking For Help Paying For Night Nurse!
Bre went IN on this poor unsuspecting Instagram user! / (c) Bre Tiesi/Instagram

Immediately, fans and followers on Twitter picked up on the drama.

As you’d expect, they were quick to wonder why Nick wasn’t helping with finances for things like a night nurse. And also, like, why he wasn’t the one spending his nights staying up late with the baby so Bre could get some rest!

Some of the responses were hilarious and vicious (below):

And there were plenty of other instant classics:


Thousands more people weighed in on Twitter, as well:

“She said she doesn’t ask him for anything because ‘he’s my baby daddy not my sugar daddy’ like how asking him for help with HIS CHILD gives you sugar daddy vibes but I guess lol”

“asking strangers for help is somehow better?”

“a lawyer is what she needs”

“But she told us she don’t have a sugar daddy but got the nerve to ask us for help? Chile…”

“He definitely wasn’t looking or the best and the brightest. He found exactly what he was lookin for.”

“I’m sure she’s not the only mom that can’t get her kid to sleep. Or that is bothered a lil by it. Shut up brokie lol”

“The day this is a reality tv show Nick Cannon with all his baby mamas…”

“She needs to redirect that energy elsewhere, we don’t feel bad for her and really thought she was doing something when she posted that DM like girl byeeee”

Some of those comments! Jeez!!

Late on Sunday night, Bre returned to IG with her response to the controversy. In another Stories slide, she wrote:

“LOL here we go again no one was venting I took nothing ‘left’ i was talking about how i haven’t slept bc baby is teething early and that a family member came to visit and spilled my milk all over the couch put my ember cup in the microwave which is electronic and that it was only 9am”

She continued from there, referencing back to the account who asked about Nick paying for the night nurse:

“to then have someone say nick should pay for a night nurse not sure how ANYTHING I was saying had to do with needing a night nurse or Nick at all. Funny how yall only take me popping off but not the actual stories if you showed the full thing u would see her message was unwarranted and I was LAUGHING at what had occurred. regardless of working I want every minute with my son why would I have someone else do it. all I was sharing was a hard moment as a mom being honest where after not sleeping and working it was just one more thing after the other and was making FUN.”

And she concluded:

“NOONE was complaining and NOONE was talking about Nick this person decided to bring him up and add a money face and loop Nick into it she took it there just like everyone else does I hear it alllll day, and all the thousands of other nasty comments and Im f**kin over ittttttt”


You can se the full thing (below):

Nick Cannon's Baby Momma Bre Tiesi Gets DRAGGED Online After Asking For Help Paying For Night Nurse!
Bre went OFF on fans who call her out over Nick’s situation. Jeez!! / (c) Bre Tiesi/Instagram

Early on Monday morning, she returned to IG yet again.

In a new video posted to her Stories, she shared a sweet clip of herself bonding with Legendary:

Nick Cannon's Baby Momma Bre Tiesi Gets DRAGGED Online After Asking For Help Paying For Night Nurse!
That little kid is so freakin’ cute! / (c) Bre Tiesi/Instagram

Awww! We love that!!

Still, the drama online here is REAL. And Bre didn’t come off looking so great here. Though we’d argue maybe Nick is looking even worse — as this is the first real evidence that his whole argument about financially providing for all gazillion of his kids maaaaaay have been total B.S.

Reactions, Perezcious readers??

[Image via Bre Tiesi/Instagram/Nick Cannon Show/YouTube]

The post Nick Cannon & Baby Momma Bre Tiesi Get DRAGGED Online After She Says She Can’t Afford A Night Nurse! appeared first on Perez Hilton.