Kim Kardashian Says It’s OK To ‘Pick & Choose’ When To Be Ethical After Wasteful Private Jet Controversy!

There’s always a butt but…

Kim Kardashian is the focus of Interview Magazine‘s cover story and photo shoot this month for their “American Dream” issue, and she’s using the platform to talk about going green. Errr, kind of.

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Kim was one of several high-profile celebs called out recently for their prolific use of private jets. As fans correctly noted, traveling like that is INCREDIBLY energy-intensive — especially when the flights are happening constantly and unnecessarily, as was the case with Kim’s little sister Kylie Jenner. So the SKIMS mogul used the Interview chat to try to do some damage control.


The 41-year-old star tried to tell the mag that she believes in climate change, dropping this confusing line about doing her part while also not changing her ways:

“I believe in climate change, and I believe that anything can help. But I also believe in being realistic and I think sometimes there’s so much to worry about on this planet, and it can be really scary to live your life with anxiety.”

Wait, what? Either you believe “anything can help” or you don’t, girl! She kiiiiinda sounds like she’s saying people are overly worried about it, right??

She doubled down, adding:

“I have super climate change-involved friends, and I love learning from them. I do what I can, but you have to pick and choose what really works for you in your life. No one’s going to be 100 percent perfect.”


THAT’S her defense?? Pobody’s nerfect???

The rest of California is over here getting flex alert power grid notifications and being told to take shorter showers in our little real world bubbles while the KUWTK alum gets to “pick and choose” about her activism?!

Clearly, Kim has calculated that her time is more valuable to fly private all over the world than it is to even slightly re-consider her travel habits. Not only that, she’s pushing off criticism of her on other peoples’ “anxiety”! Ugh!

And it’s not just about private jet travel, either. This has happened multiple times this summer! Be the example you claim to want to be!!!

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Thankfully, over on Twitter, users were quick to call Kim out for the perceived hypocrisy:

“They pick and choose for themselves, they pick and choose for you”

“That’s fine. Just let everyone else do the same.”

“media needs to make private jets a bigger deal. they spew more in a single flight than most people do in a lifetime. if climate change were serious, this would be the easiest big win.”

“she chooses to help by telling other people how they should help instead of her.”

“Confirming what everyone has already known about the celebrity activists.”

“Huh, I thought we were all in this together”

“Climate change for you not for me!”


By the way, in addition to the climate change chat, Kim showed off her assets and rocked blonde-dyed eyebrows for the mag’s piece! It’s quite a look!!

Kim posted snaps and behind-the-scenes vids of her photoshoot on her Instagram account on Tuesday morning:

Nice try, butt you’re not going to distract us! You can read the full feature piece HERE.

Reactions, Perezcious readers??

[Image via Kim Kardashian/Instagram]

The post Kim Kardashian Says It’s OK To ‘Pick & Choose’ When To Be Ethical After Wasteful Private Jet Controversy! appeared first on Perez Hilton.