Kanye West Delays Divorce AGAIN — ‘Desperate’ Kim Kardashian Too ‘Afraid’ To Say Anything!

Kanye West was supposedly getting things on track with the Kim Kardashian divorce. Last month he got a new divorce lawyer, and a good one by all accounts — Melinda Gates’ former divorce attorney, Robert Stephan Cohen, based out of NYC. This meant he was finalizing things, right? Yeah, that seems a little less likely now.

Like so many others in his orbit, that attorney has already cut ties with the Bound 2 rapper. Cohen confirmed to The US Sun that he was no longer representing Ye. While the attorney didn’t make a specific public statement saying it was about Kanye’s antisemitic remarks, it’s probably a safe bet that’s why Cohen isn’t interested in working for him.

Ye has managed to keep another lawyer he hired at the same time, Nick Salick out of Beverly Hills. According to TMZ, Salick is working hard to get custody and property settlement agreements finished before December — when they would have to go to trial. Still, fewer attorneys seems to us like it would be less efficient. Is Ye still dragging his feet on this after all? Or are his feet too busy being in his mouth?

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Either way it would seem Kanye is the cause for any more delays, as he has been all along. Kim first filed in February… of 2021. And every extra day Kim has to spend married to him is another she has to live in fear, according to a new source speaking to The Sun.

Remember how Kim finally broke her silence after so much of Kanye’s antisemitic rants, only she didn’t name her ex, only decrying antisemitism generally? This source says that wasn’t just being clever — she was afraid to mention Ye by name! At least until the divorce is finally settled, he just holds too much over her, the source claims, so she’s “desperate” to get it over with:

“She is so focused on getting the divorce and finally being able to have him out of her life. But she knows that if she were to now to say anything, he could kick off and then she would be looking at another year of this.”

Ugh! No wonder she’s been so civil! We mean, Khloé Kardashian called him out on some of his B.S. about the kids recently — but Kim didn’t because she can’t? The insider continued:

“The only thing that matters to her is getting that divorce done now. She just can’t risk any last minute surprises from him.”

They noted they think “technically the divorce goes ahead” eventually one way or the other, “but she’s afraid that if she pushes his buttons now he will find a way to contest it or something.”

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Wow. That says it all right there, doesn’t it? She’s so afraid of being married to him, she’s walking on eggshells. That’s a real stand-up kinda family man right there, right? The kind you’d want in charge of your children’s very expensive educations? Oof.

Just worth remembering for a second… Kim didn’t want to get divorced. She didn’t do this to Kanye. He did it to her. She chose to file because it’s the only path he left her, and it devastated her. You know how we know? IT WAS ALL ON CAMERA! And she ain’t that good an actress, so when we hear Kim is afraid of having to stay married to this man any longer, you know what? We believe it.

[Image via The Kardashians/Piers Morgan/KUWTK/YouTube.]

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