Hilary Duff’s Daughter Is SAVAGE!!!

Hilary Duff‘s daughter Banks is a straight up savage!

In a hilarious Instagram story the Lizzie McGuire alum posted on Monday, she tells her audience to never “trust your kids”:

“WHOAAA! Don’t trust your kids! Home girl outed me to the soccer coaches!”

In the story, there’s a screenshot of a text message the actress received with a gif of herself doing prayer hands near the bottom. Her 3-year-old had apparently told soccer coach Lauren her mom had diarrhea from bad chicken! The text read:

“Banks told a story at camp…’my mom made bad chicken and now she has diarrhea…that’s what happens when you make bad chicken.’”


Kids say the darndest things! And she’s only got the story the soccer coaches were told — who knows what Banks told anyone else while she was there…

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See the screenshot for yourself (below):

hilary duff instagram story daughter text message
(c) Instagram/Hilary Duff

Afterwards, Duff added some photos of her little girl smiling to her story, which she lovingly captioned “THE RAT” — the rat in question might be better known as the “little birdie” that’s going around telling everyone her mom’s cooking failures and digestive issues. Ha!

Have your kids ever embarrassed you, Perezcious readers? Tell us your story in the comments (below)!

[Image via Instagram/Hilary Duff]

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