Drew Barrymore Doesn’t Buy Christmas Presents For Her Daughters! Here’s Why!

Drew Barrymore‘s daughters better not count on opening presents under the tree come Christmas morning!

That’s because the 47-year-old actress-turned-daytime TV talk show host doesn’t intend to give gifts this year. And as she revealed in a new interview with ET published on Thursday, she actually hasn’t given Christmas gifts for a while now! (With one very specific exception!)

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The Drew Barrymore Show host chatted for a bit about family life with the outlet on Thursday afternoon. Among the topics of discussion was Drew’s take on daughters Olive, 10, and Frankie, 8, whom she shares with ex Will Kopelman.

From the Blended star’s perspective, buying gifts for the girls isn’t the best way to create lasting memories. She’d rather do that by taking them on special trips to meaningful and amazing places! As she laid out in her reasoning to the outlet, this gives Olive and Frankie the ability to create lasting memories of their family:

“I always take them on a trip every Christmas. I don’t get them presents, which I think at their ages they don’t love, but I say, ‘I think we’ll remember the place and the photos and the experience and that’s what I want to give you.’ They get plenty of things throughout the year, so I’m not like some weird, strict, cold mom who’s like, ‘You don’t get any gifts!’ I just feel like a better gift would be a life memory. I’d rather invest [in that than in] a doll house or something. It all evens out and it’s fine.”


Now, like we mentioned up top, there is one notable exception to all this. When the pandemic first popped up in 2020, and travel was extremely limited, the girls did get goodies at home. But pretty quickly, Drew came to realize gift-giving wasn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

She said of that year:

“I’m fine to skip this. This sucks.”

Ha! Now, the fam is back on their trip habit! And it’s working out for them! The 50 First Dates star explained:

“They don’t complain about not liking what they get. I’m glad I do what I do.”

Honestly, that sounds like a nice tradition. We hope it continues to work out for them!

Speaking of tradition, though, Drew doesn’t want to lock herself into any one single practice — gifts, trips, or anything else! The daytime diva explained how she intends to take on future holiday routines:

“[I try] to remember that one holiday won’t be probably the same as one 10 years from now, that your life can dramatically change, and new people and new traditions can come into it. I like looking at the holidays through a comedic, realistic lens of, we’re gonna have a lot of different holiday stories. What one do you want to keep going and build as a tradition? Rather than, ‘This is my tradition and I’m stuck in it.’”

Very thoughtful!

Christmas wasn’t the only topic of conversation with ET, though. The Charlie’s Angels star also revealed to the outlet that she’s throwing herself back into the dating game at this point in her life.

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Saying that her recent romantic endeavors “feel good,” Drew explained:

“I kind of shuttered down for a while. I take breaks and then I’m like, ‘you know what? I’m ready to try this again.’ I’m just sort of open to the idea again, because I hibernate like a bear in my dating life. I will turn off the app. I will not have it in my world… You have on and off seasons. I feel like I’m having an on season.”

She also laid out what is most important to her at this point in life as she nears 50: proper manners!! The TV host explained:

“As I’m getting older, behavior is sort of everything to me. It’s like my north star. Even with dating I’m like, ‘how do they behave?’ When somebody’s like, ‘he’s so hot.’ I’m like, ‘yeah, but does he behave well? Because that will make him ten times hotter or not.’”

And it even sounds like the Whip It star might have found someone!!

While she isn’t naming names, Barrymore did divulge that she’s been on a second and third date with a new person. And she’s “hopeful and optimistic” that something could come from it! Oooh! She revealed:

“There’s been a second and a third [date] with someone, which is a big deal. I feel like usually it’s one and done, because I see their behavior and I’m like, ‘this is a non-negotiable. This is not a match.’”

Well then!

Sounds like the longtime celeb, who has previously been connected to the likes of Tom Green and Justin Long, has some new irons in the fire. Fun!!!

What do U think about all this, Perezcious readers?? Share your thoughts down in the comments (below)!

[Image via Drew Barrymore Show/YouTube]

The post Drew Barrymore Doesn’t Buy Christmas Presents For Her Daughters! Here’s Why! appeared first on Perez Hilton.