Cheryl Burke Reveals She’s ‘Never’ Orgasmed With ‘Any’ Sexual Partner!!

Cheryl Burke is revealing her biggest NSFW secret!

On Tuesday, the DWTS pro shared a clip from the introduction of her latest Burke in the Game podcast on Instagram. The intro came before an interview with “Possibilitarian/Life Coach” Cherie Healy, but it was really centered on a conversation she had with sex therapist Miss Jaiya on June 7. At the time, she caught herself “biting [her] tongue during the interview” about a very specific problem she’s faced in the bedroom — but now she’s ready to share it with the world!

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Despite it being only a seconds-long snippet of the chat, the clip included one of her “biggest” confessions “to date.” She revealed:

“I’ve never really, I guess, had an orgasm before when it comes to intercourse.”


Before people took this reveal the wrong way, Cheryl made sure to insist her lack of orgasms had nothing to do with any of her previous partners, including her ex-husband Matthew Lawrence. She added:

“This doesn’t reflect on any partner I’ve been with. It only reflects on me.”

In the full podcast, she revealed that she hesitated to discuss this with her guest because she didn’t want to “hurt” any of her previous partners. But she now feels like it’s something she wants to get candid about, she shared:

“That has nothing to do with the person. It has everything to do with me and my shame and my child abuse and my vulnerability and my trust in myself.”

That’s a lot to unpack!

While speaking to the sex therapist, she did share that she “never really had a lot of conversations” about the shame she felt surrounding sex with her ex Matthew, which might explain why they never resolved the orgasm issue. They officially split in February, FYI.

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Ch-ch-check out her vulnerable revelation (below):

The confession also comes just one week after she told followers on Instagram that she hasn’t “had sex since 2021” — something she only realized while prepping to interview Miss Jaiya. LOLz!

At that reveal, her DWTS co-star Emma Slater teased:

“HAHAHAHAHA oh my friend this made me laugh so hard!!! Hahahaha”

Nikki Bella also commented:

“Gotta get that v back to werk lol.”

On her more vulnerable post, she was met with hundreds of supportive comments from other women who have also struggled to reach their climax with various partners, saying:

“Same!! I love that you shared that. I think there are lots of women in the same boat but don’t really talk about it. Thank you for being so honest with us!”

‘You’re so brave and amazing. you are not alone. There’s an army of women behind you with the same experience!”

“That’s a confession. Takes strength to be that vulnerable on a public forum.”

Hopefully, that’s helping her feel less alone in this! Reactions, Perezcious readers?!

[Image via WENN/Avalon & Netflix/YouTube]

The post Cheryl Burke Reveals She’s ‘Never’ Orgasmed With ‘Any’ Sexual Partner!! appeared first on Perez Hilton.