Australian Football Stars In Trouble After One Was Filmed Performing Sex Act On Another In Public — Because Of A Bet!!

It doesn’t look like there’s going to be a happy ending in this story after all…

Two teammates from Glen Waverley Football Club based in Melbourne, Australia are in deep trouble after a wild day of alleged drunken partying — and public sex! According to multiple reports, the two men were heavily drunk earlier this month at a local bar when one challenged the other to a dare. The stakes were high: the loser was to perform oral sex on the winner.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with engaging in a little wager and having some promiscuous fun, but the problem arose when the loser got on his knees and started ahem gratifying his teammate — right there in the middle of the crowded pub! Unsurprisingly, patrons couldn’t believe what they were witnessing! Two of Australia’s pro players getting freaky right in front of everyone’s eyes. Talk about a shock to any fans who were just grabbing some pints with their friends that day…

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And of course in the age of smart phones and social media someone filmed the whole thing! The video went insanely viral on TikTok and Twitter which sparked outrage from Glen Waverley FC’s reps who quickly released a statement saying the players would be “disciplined”:

“The Club is taking immediate action to address the serious breach of our culture and values that has occurred within this incident. The individuals involved, along with the broader playing group will be both disciplined & educated and if need be, counselled in the type of conduct expected by members of our Club, along with the physical & emotional impact this has had on the families involved, club members, players and the wider community.”

The two footballers haven’t been publicly identified — but based on the reaction of the Eastern Football Netball League representatives it’s safe to say they know who the players are. GWFC added on to their statement asking for respect for “those involved” while they “deal with the impact” of the incident:

“There is no further comment at this time and we request that the well-being of those involved be respected as they deal with the impact, from the incident.”


In case you aren’t familiar with Australian law, the state of Victoria’s maximum punishment for indecent exposure in a sexual context is two years imprisonment. Yeah, these footy players could be facing some real jail time!

Many Twitter users had a lot to say about the incident — and tweeters from Melbourne seemed stunned to see their hometown going viral for such shocking reason! Ch-ch-check out some reactions (below):

“Holy S**t. It’s already gone worldwide

I mean a bet is a bet

Yup. And that is enough social media for me for the day.

Ummmm what?

Wtf is going on here? Lol

Melbourne making it global”

What do U think of this wild incident, Perezcious readers? Sound OFF in the comments (below).

[Image via YouTube/HBO]

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