Negative attack texts in Coral Gables now focus on candidate Melissa Castro

It’s like they haven’t learned a thing.

The dark money forces that attacked Coral Gables Commissioner Elect Ariel Fernandez before last week’s election have turned their focus to Melissa Castro, a mental health worker and permit expediter who made the runoff in the Group 4 race with text messages that say she’ll raise income tax and gas and grocery prices.

Like a city commissioner can do any of that!

And, you know, ’cause the negative hits worked so well the first time.

Fernandez, an activist and publisher of Gables Insider, beat attorney Alex Bucelo, the establishment’s much better funded pick, with a 16-point margin. It was a mandate, a loud and clear message to the mayor and commission — all of whom endorsed Bucelo — that residents don’t like the way things are going.

Read related: Residents win in Coral Gables with Ariel Fernandez commission victory

It was also a public rejection of the negative attack ads that were leveled against Fernandez. This is Coral Gables. Voters here are much more sophisticated and less emotionally motivated. They don’t buy the socialist thing. They certainly aren’t going to buy this gas and groceries thing.

Also, they hate outside influences. And dark money influencers. More often than not, voters in the Gables reject negative hit pieces. Many think the incessant text messages backfired on Bucelo.

“There’s no place for divisive campaigns in the city of Coral Gables,” Fernandez says in a video he posted on Facebook to blast the attack.

You think they would have gotten that message on April 11.

Read related: For independence in Coral Gables, vote Melissa Castro and Ariel Fernandez

So why are the forces that be doing it again?

Because they have nothing else to campaign on. Arango O’Doski is a lobbyist who has zero track record except representing The Beacon Council in Tallahassee.

And because they’re scared, just like they were with Fernandez. If Castro beats lobbyist Ivette Arango O’Doski — the establishment’s much better funded pick — Fernandez has a residents-first ally on the commission right off the bat.

Neither Mayor Vince Lago nor the developers that fund his campaigns — and Bucelo’s and Arango O’Doski’s campaigns — and have projects in the pipeline want that to happen.

Next, they’ll call Melissa Castro a socialist.