Miami paid $150K for one long Joe Carollo commercial on New Year’s Eve
Miami was reeling Wednesday after the Miami Herald’s Tess Riski reported the whistleblower lawsuit against Miami Commmissioner Joe Carollo filed by two former employees of the Bayfront Park Management Trust of using public funds for his personal gain. Among the details released was a $150,000 payment to America TeVé to broadcast the city’s million-dollar New Year’s Eve party at Bayfront Park.
The lawsuit alleges that Carollo and his wife Marjorie are “close personal friends” with the owners of the station, which also was used at one point to broadcast parts of the Little Havana Friday Nights event. The employees’ lawyers contend that the city could have gotten free coverage from any other station, like Telemundo or Univision, or even sold the rights to a station, which would profit from selling advertising.
But then Carollo, who has threatened to run for mayor this year, wouldn’t have gotten more than a dozen self-serving commercials about all the great things he’s doing for the city.
In every commercial break during the live broadcast, available now on YouTube, there were multiple spots featuring Carollo and/or his wife Marjorie boasting about the Dogs and Cats Walkway at Maurice Ferre Park, the newly renovated fountain at Bayfront Park, the commissioner’s herculean efforts in Little Havana, and the progress made at both Bayfront and Maurice Ferre.
“Thanks to the leadership of Commissioner Joe Carollo, these spaces have been transformed into unique destinations with ample security for the enjoyment of residents and tourists,” the voiceover says. The ad includes footage of the new outdoor gym that residents fought but was approved on a questionable ballot question.
In the spot about the renovated fountain, in the hear of miami, an icon has been reborn, thanks to the tireless work of Commissioner Joe Carollo, the chairman of the Bayfront Trust Park.
Happy New Year. Here Miami is your gift.
There’s also a “Happy New Year” spot where Carollo sits alone under the city of Miami seal against a blank wall, like a hostage, and talks about the event.
“Welcome once more to the biggest Hispanic celeb nye eve in the united states. On a night like to night let’s recount all we have learned this year,” Carollo said. “I have maintained not only my commitment with District 3, which I represent, but with the whole city of Miami. And despite it being a year of constant struggles, we were able to reach our objectives and fulfill our promises for the benefit of the whole community.”
The only other advertisers were the Miami Marlins, Braman Miami and a spot with Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, who also mentioned Carollo’s hard work. But the Carollo ads outnumbered them.
Later in the broadcast, Carollo himself comes on stage toward the end of the event with his wife.
“Nobody does a party like Miami,” he yells, with his wife standing behind him holding an adorable little girl. “But don’t leave after the fireworks, because the pachanga will go on until 1:30 a.m. or longer.”
On the broadcast, there was a banner across the bottom of the screen wishing everyone a Happy 2025 from Carollo.
You can’t buy that kind of publicity. Oh, well, yeah you can. For $150,000.
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