Everyone Sickened By The Debate MUST Watch This Joe Biden Video!

After the dumpster fire of a presidential debate Thursday night, we know a lot of Americans are hurting.

On the one hand, there’s Donald Trump, a convicted criminal, legally found to have committed sexual assault and run a fraudulent business and a fraudulent charity. A guy with closer ties to Jeffrey Epstein than anyone we’ve heard of. A racist, a cheater, a man who hates dogs and military veterans. A man who by his own admission doesn’t really believe in the Constitution or democracy if it means he can’t have his power. A man who lies so much, even putting him on TV feels like being accomplice to a crime.

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Sadly at the other podium in Joe Biden we have an 81-year-old who really is starting to look and sound like an 81-year-old. His feeble performance had a lot of Democrats calling for a replacement candidate! Oof.

Well, if you’re feeling sick after watching the choice before the American people, take a look at Biden’s response to how badly he did in the debate! It’s more self-aware than we were expecting, and it shows the man still has that fire in him. He told a crowd in North Carolina on Friday:

“I know I’m not a young man, to state the obvious. Folks, I don’t walk as easy as I used to, I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to, I don’t debate as well as I used to. But I know what I do know. I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. I know how to do this job. I know how to get things done. And I know like millions of Americans know — when you get knocked down you get back up!”

And of course, considering what led to the speech, reading what he said is only half as important as seeing how he said it. Take a look (below):

Huh. Much better, we can say that for certain. And while we may not agree with all of his policies and think the Democratic party is letting us down a lot more than they’re helping us up… It really doesn’t feel like much of a choice here, does it? Not when faced with the alternative, who — we will remind everyone — is 78 years old and also has been showing a lot of senior moments lately.

Here Trump is after the debate once again talking about how much he likes Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs… No, we are not kidding…


[Image via ABC News/YouTube.]

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