Did Harry Styles & Olivia Wilde BREAK UP?! See The Video Evidence From Their Film Premiere!
Brusque greetings, icy body language, refusal to make eye contact… it’s all pretty much what we expected from the Don’t Worry Darling premiere at the Venice Film Festival. Except… we’re not even thinking about director Olivia Wilde and her leading lady Florence Pugh.
Sure, Olivia and “Miss Flo” didn’t exactly look chummy or anything. As expected, the Midsommar star arrived late, made a fab splash on the red carpet, and left early, skipping out on the press conference and the cast dinner. But the big story to us, strangely, is about the unexpected tension between Olivia and a different star… her boyfriend, Harry Styles!
Related: More Sources Spill Origins Of Olivia VS Florence Feud!
Yes, this should have been their big moment together. They collaborated on a highly anticipated film, but also their relationship is out in the open now. So why didn’t they make their debut as a couple on the red carpet? We couldn’t help but notice that not in a single photo from the event were they pictured touching — or even standing right next to one another, not without another star in between.

These things are never left to chance, they’re tweaked within an inch of their lives by PR people. If Harry wasn’t standing with Olivia, it was on purpose. Don’t believe us?
There’s actually video evidence of a PR person — presumed by this Louis Tomlinson fan account to be “from Olivia’s team” — trying numerous times to encourage Harry to move over and stand next to Olivia. And he flat-out refuses!
— ???????? FAITH IN THE FUTURE 1ST TRACK (@amitheonlyone_n) September 5, 2022
Are we imagining that??
All day they seemed to have a co-star as a buffer between them. During the premiere it was Chris Pine. And we all know how that turned out! Or do we? Was whatever actually happened in the already infamous SpitGate fueled by Chris being used as a human shield between Olivia and Harry?!
#HarryStyles appears to spit on Chris Pine i won’t sleep until i know the truth pic.twitter.com/wLXjIHTYgU
— JZMaclin (@Mac70J) September 6, 2022
That video has been scrutinized within an inch of its life as everyone looks for evidence of actual Styles saliva… but we have to point out what’s not there. A single look exchanged by Olivia and Harry!
Remember when they were all loved up and she was dancing like no one was watching at his shows?? That is NOT the couple we’re seeing here. Either these two are in a fight or they’re already dunzo. Sorry to all the shippers rooting for them, but something is definitely rotten in the state of Venice.
Did they split and keep it quiet for the sake of the film? Did they break up because of the drama on the film?? After all, Olivia misled the public about Shia LaBeouf leaving the movie, saying she fired him to protect the cast. Maybe she lied to Harry, too? And Shia’s leaked video exposed her to him??
All this is just speculation right now. All we have is what we’re seeing. But it doesn’t look good to us.
Speaking of which, the coup de grace — or should we say the kiss of death — is at the end of the movie, as it was getting a reported 4-minute standing ovation. Did Harry congratulate his girlfriend? Did he embrace her and say good job? Nope! He kissed co-star Nick Kroll on the mouth instead!
Harry Styles kisses Nick Kroll during the standing ovation for #DontWorryDarling. #Venezia79 pic.twitter.com/xqVPtOjwFT
— Ramin Setoodeh (@RaminSetoodeh) September 5, 2022
We aren’t the only ones who noticed something odd was going on with Harry and Olivia… and Nick Kroll, apparently. LOLz!
See some of the strongest Twitter reactions to seeing Harry “humiliate” Olivia (below)!
he could have not humiliated her more. not standing next to her for one second. not looking at her ONCE. and at the end of her film that she directed he kissed nick kroll in front of her this is the funniest this harry styles has ever done
— ellie HOME ???? (@FAlTHNTHEFUTURE) September 5, 2022
olivia wilde Nick Kroll and Harry styles pic.twitter.com/LMsame3mxP
— ???????? FAITH IN THE FUTURE 1ST TRACK (@amitheonlyone_n) September 5, 2022
Olivia Wilde watching Harry Styles kiss Nick Kroll pic.twitter.com/cL0BhOfZvd
— The Extra (@_the_extra) September 5, 2022
What do YOU think?? Are Olivia and Harry over??
[Image via MEGA/WENN.]
The post Did Harry Styles & Olivia Wilde BREAK UP?! See The Video Evidence From Their Film Premiere! appeared first on Perez Hilton.